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ACCA Exam Results (June 2014)

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Last week the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) published the exam results for the June 2014 exams. The period saw a record number of students sitting exams, with 190,000 candidates sitting 330,000 papers round the world and a further 53,000 sitting computer based exams.

Results saw over 8000 students complete the exam component of their professional qualification, which enables them to take the next step to ACCA membership; students also need to complete practical experience and ethics requirements to become ACCA members.

The pass rates of multiple exams also rose this year. With the skills exams, the pass rate rose 43%. Paper P1, Governance, Risk and Ethics, also saw a pass rise to 52%. As a result of completing their Fundamentals level, 8,744 students are now eligible for ACCA’s Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business on completion of their Professional Ethics module, one of the requirements for ACCA membership. The Advanced Diploma celebrates students’ achievement of the Fundamentals level before they move on to the Professional level and awards a professional certification equivalent in level to a bachelor honours degree.

Alan Hatfield, ACCA director – learning, spoke highly of the results, saying ‘We would like to congratulate all students who have passed their examinations this session, particularly the record number of students who have passed their final level exams and are well on their way to becoming ACCA members. He added ‘We are delighted that 76% of employers agree that the ACCA Qualification helps them to grow business by providing accountants with the skills and capabilities they need. We continually respond to employer feedback and this year is an exciting year for changes to some of our exams as we act on further feedback.

For a full breakdown of the exam scores, you can visit the ACCA website by clicking here.

On behalf of all staff at Stipendia we’d like to congratulate all students who sat exams and wish good luck to any of those starting them soon.

Key Contact: Lynne Auton
Tel: (0845) 308 2288
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